Phyllactinia guttata - <i>Phyllactinia suffulta</i> (Reb.) (now <i>Phyllactinia guttuta</i> (Wallr.) Lév.) Fig 1. Natural size, on chestnut leaf. 2. Perithecium enlarged. 3. Two asci. 4.Three sporidia. 5.Conidia-bearing hyphae. 6.Conidium germinating. © F. W. Anderson. Not sure of Anderson's exact death year, but he was already dead by the time this book was published: "This book is an octavo of nearly 800 pages, with 41 excellent plates drawn by F. W. Anderson, whose early death we have had recently to deplore." - Public domain - Wikimedia Commons
Forêt de la Massane