Spio filicornis © <a href="https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_Fabricius_(Geistlicher)" class="extiw" title="de:Otto Fabricius (Geistlicher)">Otto Fabricius</a>

Spio filicornis - Genus <i>Spio</i> (Family <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spionidae" class="extiw" title="en:Spionidae">Spionidae</a>): <i>Spio seticornis</i> (Fig. 1–7) and <i>Spio filicornis</i> (Fig. 8–13). Legend.<br><p>Fig. 1. — 7. <i>Spio seticornis</i>.<br> Fig. 1. Inside the tube, Fig. 2. outside the tube. Fig. 3 head and palps from dorsal view, magnified. Fig. 4. head from ventral view, without palps. Fig. 5. pygidium. Fig. 6 middle segment from dorsal view, und Fig. 7. two from lateral oblique view, strongly magnified.<br> Lit. a. the tube, b. sea bed. c. prostomium. d. eyes. e. mouth opening, and f. its groove. g. palps, and h. their line. i. anterior dark segments. k. middle light green segments. l. posterior sea-green segments. m. anal cirri. n. dorsal palps. o. parapodia. p. red dorsal line. q. ventrum.<br> Fig. 8. — 12. <i>Spio filicornis</i>.<br> Fig. 8. Worm emerging from the tube as observed in the natural environment. Fig. 9. worm removed from the tube in dorsal and Fig. 10. ventral view. Fig. 11. middle segment from dorsal, and Fig. 12. two segments from lateral oblique view.<br></p> Lit. a. the tube, b. sea bed. c. the worm emerging from the tube. d. prostomium. e. eyes. f. mouth opening. g. palps. h. anterior dark segments, i. middle yellow-reddish segments, k. posterior dark segments. l. greyish stripe on dorsum. m. same on ventrum. n. anal cirri. o. dorsal palps. p. parapodia. q. ventral projection. r. lateral furrow. s. ventrum. © Otto Fabricius - Public domain - Wikimedia Commons

Spio filicornis (Müller, 1776)

Classe : Polychaeta Ordre : Spionida Famille : Spionidae Genre : Spio



Nombre d'observation(s): 12

  • 12

  • 2

  • 2

  • Première observation

  • Dernière observation

Informations sur l'espèce

Non renseignée pour le moment
Non renseigné pour le moment
Non renseignée pour le moment
Euspio mesnili McIntosh, 1915 | Nereis filicornis Müller, 1776 | Spio gattyi McIntosh, 1909

Observations mensuelles

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