Microneta viaria - <p>Microneta viaria (Linyphiidae). </p> <p>Male found walking amongst leaf litter in wood. </p> <p>Approx 2.5mm long. Palps large, with group of conspicuous long, slightly curved hairs on patella (as bottom left and bottom middle photos). Tibiae with 2 dorsal spines on all legs. Trichobothria on metatarsus present on 4th leg and positioned c.66% along length on 1st leg. </p> <p>Bricket Wood Common, Hertfordshire, England, 26th March 2011. </p> © Phil - CC BY 2.0 - Wikimedia Commons
Nombre d'observation(s): 30
Aiguilles Rouges - Baie de Canche - Bocage humide des Cailleries - Forêt de la Massane - Gorges de l'Ardèche - Gorges du Gardon - Grande-Synthe - Jujols - Lac de Remoray - Prats de Mollo - Ravin de Valbois