Phoma exigua - <i>Phoma exigua</i> spores magnified 160X. Identified using <b>Barnett, H. L. & Hunter, B. B.</b> (1998) <i>Illustrated Genera of Imperfect Fungi.</i> APS Press: St. Paul, MN; pp. 162–3 <a href="//" title="Special:BookSources/0-89054-192-2">ISBN 0-89054-192-2</a>. <p><br></p> Recovered from <a href="" class="extiw" title="wikipedia:Common bean">green bean</a> (<i>Phaseolus vulgaris</i> L.). Host status confirmed using <b>Farr, D. F., Bills, G. F., Chamuris, G. P., & Rossman, A. Y.</b> (1995) <i>Fungi on Plants and Plant Products in the United States.</i> APS Press: St. Paul, MN; pp. 209–11 <a href="//" title="Special:BookSources/0-89054-099-3">ISBN 0-89054-099-3</a>. © Ninjatacoshell - CC BY-SA 3.0 - Wikimedia Commons
Nombre d'observation(s): 4
Nohedes - Py